Rosacea Treatment

Rosacea is a common condition characterized by signs of facial flushing and redness, telangiectasia, coarseness of skin, and an inflammatory skin eruption resembling acne that often accompanied by burning or stinging sensation. Various parts of the body may be affected, but the most common area at the face is cheeks and nose. There are also many contributing factors which cause rosacea: diet, exercise and also hereditary factors.

Price:                     From £250 (depending on the area size)


  • Fast, easy treatment sessions with little to no discomfort
  • Comfortable sessions that take just minutes
  • Excellent results with little to no recovery time

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a common condition characterized by signs of facial flushing and redness, telangiectasia, coarseness of skin, and an inflammatory skin eruption resembling acne that often accompanied by burning or stinging sensation and may progresses from intermittent to consistent. Redness usually spares the around of the eyes skin. Frequent triggers to flushing include emotional stress, hot drinks, alcohol, spicy foods, exercise, cold or hot weather, and hot baths and showers.

How to treat Rosacea?

The inflammation that accompanies rosacea can be treated with preparations applied to the skin; such as Azelaic Acid, however, these will not help the redness or blushing that may be associated with rosacea. Then an extensive range of treatments from facials to peels and laser treatments will be advised you by one of our expert Aestheticians. We will device a bespoke treatment plan to achieve optimum results and give you a healthy, clear and balanced complexion. A sunblock is also advised.

What results will I see?

We can’t cure rosacea, but we can dramatically reduce the symptoms. By following the treatment plan agreed at your consultation, you should see a significant improvement in your skin. In your consultation, your doctor will discuss your specific condition and the results you can expect to see. It should be noted that a small number of people do not respond to treatment for a variety of reasons.

How will I feel during rosacea treatment?

Some slight discomfort may be felt during laser treatment, but this is well tolerated by the majority of patients.

What are the side effects of treatments?

Typical side effects of light-based rosacea treatment include temporary redness, as well as itching and swelling at the treatment site, which may last a few days.